13 February 2013

Oldest people in our zone

13 February, 2013

So this week has been great! We are now the oldest people in our zone, and we still have 12 days left. Our schedule ends though on Tuesday. So basically for a whole week we'll just be doing studying; so that should be good.

I took some names to the temple last week, and I don't know what it was but it took a lot longer than it should have.

Our district leader changed out this Sunday, it is now Elder Keddington. A lot of our zone left this week so its kind of quiet in the residence halls. I got the package from the tri-ward YM and YW and I love the shirt and the mini notes were so cool!

I got the blanket and its exactly what I wanted; it's so warm for what it is.

Well today should be great going to the temple.

Love you all!
Elder Chris Carroll

Twenty more days!

6 February, 2013

So this week has been all right. The new district are really nice, and actually they are already our Zone Leaders - it’s crazy! We are actually getting more missionaries in our zone today. 

On Monday, our district had the opportunity to host the Senior Missionaries which was nice. We basically just carried their bags to their rooms. 

Last night at the devotional we had Don R. Clarke of the Seventy come and speak and it was really great!
Not much other stuff going on, 20 days though and I’ll be leaving!

Love you all!
Elder Chris Carroll

Dr. Pepper and Cheerwine

30 January, 2013

So this week has been all right, nothing out of the ordinary. 

Last night for our Tuesday devotional we had Elder Clayton from the Seventy come and speak with us and that was great! 

I got the package with the Dr. Pepper and Cheerwine. I was so excited to find it in there! 

Probably the highlight of my week was finding a whole district going to my Mission! They came in this week, but I’m not sure what their names are off the top of my head. Got a new district last week and 4 sisters are going to Tampa, Florida, and all the elders are going to Mexico. We are getting another district today so our zone is getting bigger. 

Not much else is going on - just learning a lot!

Love you all!

Elder Chris Carroll

Krispy Kreme Donuts!

23 January, 2013

So this week has been a normal week. Last night for our Tuesday Devotional we had Elder David F. Evan of the Seventy come and speak to us. He spoke on how exact obedience in our lives leads to miracles, so that was pretty good.

I got the Krispy Kreme Donuts and they were SOOOO good!

The Spanish is coming along. Its our last week in the program, so we're starting to just review now as well as teaching twice a day.

Thank you Kaitlynn so much for the Picture I had about 6 Elders begging for it last night.

Well today we will no longer be the new district in our zone! We are getting a district of 12 in today so that should be fun.

Love you all!

Elder Chris Carroll

One month down...

16 January, 2013

So this week has been all right. Really nothing new happening - same old, same old here at the MTC. Last night though for the Tuesday Night Devotional we had Elder Holland come and speak to us! That was definitely a great treat because no one knew exactly who it would be.

We still haven't gotten anyone new in our zone yet, so technically we're still the new guys.

Working on the language. I have lots of letters to respond to this week so I'll be busy for the rest of the day. It's nice seeing familiar faces here at the MTC; so far this week I've seen Sister Moore, Elder Earl, and Sister Hand, and another Elder from Palatka.

Love you all!

Elder Chris Carroll


9 January, 2013

Hello Family!

This week has been an interesting one to say the least. After being sick last Tuesday and beginning to feel a lot better on Wednesday when i went to dinner that night it began again and I was stuck in my room until Friday night! 

Thank you so much for the Nutella and flag; even though at the time I got it I was just laying in bed and could eat it :(. 

On Friday my previous companion, Elder Perez finally got switched and I got placed into a threesome with elder Clifford Who, from Layton, UT, and Elder Keddington who is from Salt Lake City, UT. They are both going to be serving in the Chile Santiago West Mission. 

Sunday was great with it being Fast Sunday and all and it was a great testimony meeting. Monday was just a normal day, but we did this thing called TRC were we teach real members in just Spanish! It was an awesome experience to talk with real Spanish people. On Tuesday half of our district left to go to the Guatemala MTC so within one week our class has gone from 10 people to just 5 now. The week ahead is looking great we should be getting more Elders in our zone today so we won’t be the new guys anymore.

Love you all!

-Elder Chris Carroll

Happy New Year's!

2 January, 2013
So Happy New Year to all! 
This past week has been interesting! On New Year's Eve it was such a great spiritual experience! We had a random testimony meeting and the spirit was so strong we ended with the hymn The Spirit of God. Then back to our rooms. We welcomed in the New Year at 10pm since it would be midnight in New York - so it was good enough for us. 
But then on New Year's like a quarter of the MTC was sick out of nowhere and I was included in that, it was interesting. Nothing too bad, just about a third of our zone stayed in our rooms for the day. The church helped by getting a bunch of Gatorade and passing it out. Feeling a bit better today! Two weeks done and they are getting a bunch of missionaries in today so it will be interesting.
Love you all!!!!
Elder Chris Carroll

Called to Serve

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 

Office of the First Presidency 

September 11, 2012

Dear Elder Carroll:

You are hereby called to serve as a missionary of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. You are assigned to labor in the Honduras Comayagüela Mission. It is anticipated you will serve for a period of 24 months.

You should report to the Provo Missionary Training Center on Wednesday, December 19, 2012. You will prepare to preach the gospel in the Spanish language. Your assignment may be modified according to the needs of the mission president.

You have been recommended as one worthy to represent the Lord as a minister of the restored gospel. You will be an official representative of the Church. As such, you will be expected to maintain the highest standards of conduct and appearance by keeping the commandments, living mission rules, and following the counsel of you mission president. As you devote your time and attention to serving the Lord, leaving behind all other personal affairs, the Lord will bless you with increased knowledge and testimony of the Restoration and of the truths of the gospel of Christ.

Your purpose will be to invite others to come unto Christ by helping them receive the restored gospel through faith in Jesus Christ and His Atonement, repentance, baptism, receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost, and enduring to the end. As you serve with all you heart, might, and strength, the Lord will lead you to those who are prepared to be baptized.

The Lord will reward you for the goodness of your life. Greater blessings and more happiness that you have yet experienced await you as you humbly and prayerfully serve the Lord in this lavor of love among His children. We place our confidence in you and pray that the Lord will help you become an effective missionary.

You will be set apart as a missionary by your stake president. Please send your written acceptance promptly, endorsed by your bishop.

Thomas S. Monson 